On creating my personal Blog with Hugo i found the need to embed maps within my posts.
A short Google search revealed a little help but not the full options that the google API provides. Because of this i began creating my own Shortcodes for this. They are avaliable to download from my Github repository.
I suggest to store the shortcodes in a shortcodes Folder within the layouts Folder, like you can see below.
In addition to this you have to generate yourself a Google API Key. This is possibel at Google Console. The generated Key then must be inserted in your sites configuration file.
After that they are ready for use in your Markdown Posts.
Just add one of the follwoing lines (without the Gap between the first to curly-bracets):
{{< google-maps-location height="300" location="Nuernberg Germany" >}}
{{< google-maps-direction origin="Nuernberg Bavaria" destination="Frankfurt, Hessen" >}}
To see the full range of Options for embeded Maps, you can visits Google’s Guide. All four types are avaliable as shortcodes. The four examples above only contain the required Arguments. For all optionals Arguments please refer to the previously mentioned Google Site.
Futhermore you can set the following three parameters for the iframe HTML element:
- scrolling [default: no]
- width [default: 100%]
- height [default: 300px]
Please feel free to add Issues or create Pull Requests in the repository. I am new to Hugo and Frontend-Dev is not my daily job.